A Place for All God's Children
St. Stephen honors the lifelong faith formation and journey of all God’s children, including the newest and youngest. Regular programming includes Sunday morning nursery for the youngest kids and post-worship Sunday School for older kids. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of unique events and activities, including music programs, community service activities, a summer vacation Bible school, and activities for parents.
Spring 2024
Spring 2024 promises a wide range of opportunities for your children. Your kids will grow in their faith while also taking part in a variety of fun social, fellowship, and missions/service opportunities.
Regular Kids Programs
We offer a nursery every Sunday morning for our guests and youngest members of St. Stephen so that their parent(s) are able to participate in worship without having to worry about their little ones. Our nursery opens at 8:45 and runs until the end of our Sunday programs at 12 noon for children ages 0-2. Children up to age 4 are welcome in the nursery during our 9am worship service. In our nursery we always have two adults, and offer pagers in case we need to contact you during the service. Click here to read our Child Protection policies and howe we keep kids safe at St. Stephen.
In addition to our nursery remaining open during Sunday School hour at 10am each Sunday, we also offer year-round Discipleship Classes for children. We have a class for 3s-TK, a class for K-2nd grade and a class for 3rd-5th graders. In their class students have age appropriate lessons where the Bible is made relevant to their lives, build relationships with their Sunday School Teachers and have fun! Have older children? Check out our youth ministry. And don’t forget discipleship opportunities for you!
ENCOUNTERkids is our Sunday-morning program for children whose parents are attending our modern worship at 11am each Sunday. Children join their parents for a moment of praise, song, and prayer before departing the worship service for their own age-appropriate worship, crafts, and other activities. Learn more about ENCOUNTER, our modern worship service.
Music opportunities, during the school year, include Wednesday evening choirs for children from age three through 5th grade and a music explorers class for younger children. In the summer, St. Stephen’s children’s choir camp (for rising 1st-6th graders) includes art and recreation, singing and movement as we prepare and perform a musical to present in Sunday worship. Learn more about our music opportunities for children, youth, and adults.
The St. Stephen Preschool is an independent non-profit program originally established by the church. The school is one of the best in North Carolina and serves infants to transitional kindergarten (TK). This ministry cares for children in a loving yet challenging environment. Church members and non-members are welcome in the preschool program. Visit ststephenpreschool.net for more information.
Scouts are a vital part of our congregation, and our scout programs are among the strongest in Mecklenburg County. Boys in 1st through 5th grades are invited to join us the first three Tuesdays of each month during the school year at 6:30 p.m.
Scouting offers a rank path anchored to grade level that teaches the children simple skills, creativity, and planning methods. Each year the Pinewood Derby and annual family camping trip are highlights. The Pack traditionally participates in Cub Scout Day Camp at our local premier grade scout camp, Belk Scout Camp.
Boy Scout Troop 118
Chartered at St. Stephen in December 1968 our approach to Scouting centers around a Scout-led troop. This teaches the boys both leadership skills and the importance of working together through Scout ranks to achieve a common goal. Our adventures include a monthly camping trip with rappelling, water trips and High Adventure trips scattered throughout the year. Boys have the opportunity to join a weeklong Summer Camp experience to get a jump start on merit badges. We have more than 200 Eagle Scouts from this Scouting ministry. The Troop meets on Monday evenings throughout the year.

Service Projects
Our children participate in a number of service projects throughout the year, including helping with Room in the Inn, Baby Bundles, raising money for hunger and walking in a “Mini” CROP Walk, the AB Love Project, supporting the local Ronald McDonald House, and making cards for homebound members.

Club 45
Club 45 is designed for 4th and 5th graders, helping your kids grow in their own understanding of who God is and how that affects the life they live. Activities include volunteer and service projects, arts, crafts, games, and discipleship study. Meets during the school year (fall-winter-spring).

Vacation Bible School
St. Stephen programs a content- and activity-rich Vacation Bible School each year, usually in June. Recent programs have been offered for free and have attracted upwards of 100 kids or more!

Other Children's Opportunities
Children’s programs occur throughout the year, including a Talent Show, Parents’ Night Out, Valentine Mission Day, Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Carnival, our annual Christmas Pageant, and more!
Safe Sanctuary
At St. Stephen we are devoted to protecting every child. We write and implement policies designed to reduce the risk of abuse of children and youth. All adults working with children and youth are required to be educated on child abuse prevention and safety procedures. Our heart is to love and protect each child and youth who enters our Church doors.
Belonging for Every Season
Check out other programs and ministries for older youth and adults.