10: Covet
This Sunday, we conclude our new year worship series, “10.” In these weeks before Lent, we have taken a deep dive into Ten Commandments and explored how these ancient set of codes are relevant to our lives as Christians today. Check out week one, “No Other”, week two, “Idol”, and week three’s “Name.” In week four, we explored “Rest” and in week five, “Honor.” In week six, we examined “Evil & Mercy.” Last week, we explored “Holiness.”
Sermon Reflections:
- When you think about your own “if only” statements, what areas of your life do you find yourself most frequently coveting things that others have? How might focusing on gratitude for what you already have change your perspective?
- Leah finally found peace when she shifted from seeking Jacob’s love to praising God. What are some ways you might be seeking validation or fulfillment from sources other than God in your own life?
- How has comparing yourself to others (like the story about wanting to be a star athlete) prevented you from recognizing and developing your true calling or gifts?
- Helen Keller once thanked God for her handicaps: “I thank God for my handicaps. For through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God.” What challenges or limitations in your life might actually be directing you toward your purpose, like they did for her?
- Consider Christopher Reeve’s perspective that life is about “taking whatever package you have and working with it.” How might this mindset help you combat feelings of coveting and comparison in your daily life?
- Like Sonja who displayed the Ten Commandments in her shop, what daily reminders could you put in place to help you focus on gratitude and contentment rather than coveting?