All Saints’ Sunday: Unlearning Life
Ken Curtis   -  

In this service for All Saints’ Day, Pastor Ken preaches on Job and how even though he was a good person, faithful, and righteous, he suffered from a series of catastrophic events. When you read Job’s story it doesn’t seem fair. One wonders why this happened to him. It’s the same question that’s been asked for centuries… Why do bad things happen to good, faithful, and righteous people? It doesn’t seem fair. In this sermon, we tackle this difficult question and how we might need to “unlearn life.”

Sermon Reflections:

  • In the sermon, we’re reminded that life isn’t always fair, and even good people face difficulties. Can you think of a time when you or someone you know faced an unfair or challenging situation despite being a good person? How did you or they respond to it?
  • How can we start to unlearn the idea that being faithful and good guarantees a fair life? Have you ever held similar beliefs, and if so, how has your perspective on this changed over time? How do you typically respond to difficult circumstances? What helps you cope with pain and loss?
  • Pastor Ken mentions examples from the Bible, such as Job, Joseph, and others, who faced adversity but chose how they responded to it. Can you think of a biblical story or character that resonates with you in terms of facing life’s challenges with faith and integrity?
  • Can you think of an example where someone turned a personal tragedy into an opportunity to make a positive impact on others or their community?
  • How does your faith or spirituality influence the way you approach difficult circumstances and challenges in life? What role does prayer or seeking support from a community play in your response to adversity?