Awkward Family Photos: Prodigals
Ken Curtis   -  

No family is perfect. All families are “awkward” in one way or another. All of us have some kind of “crazy” going on. But most of them wouldn’t even come close to the families in the Bible. In this series leading up to Thanksgiving, we’ll look at some of the “awkward families” found in the scriptures. In part one of this three part series, we explored the story of Cain and Abel. Last week, we take a look at Jacob and Joseph.

Sermon Reflections:

  • How do you relate to either the younger or older son in the parable? In what ways have you experienced similar feelings of shame, guilt, or resentment?
  • How does the father’s response to both sons demonstrate God’s unconditional love and forgiveness? In what ways can we better embody this kind of love in our own relationships?
  • How can we be mindful of our own tendencies towards self-righteousness and judgment? What steps can we take to cultivate a more compassionate and understanding heart?
  • What does it mean to truly repent? How can we embrace the transformative power of repentance in our own lives?
  • How does the parable invite us to return to God, no matter how far we may have wandered? What steps can we take to deepen our relationship with God?
  • How can we share God’s love and forgiveness with others, especially those who may be struggling or feeling lost? What practical actions can we take to be more welcoming and inclusive?

Watch Sunday’s traditional livestream