Christmas at the Movies: It’s a Wonderful Life
Ken Curtis   -  

It’s a Wonderful Life, released at the end of 1946, is a film about George Bailey (played by James Stewart) who, on Christmas Eve, is in such a state of despair that he considers ending his own life. Just then an angel named Clarence Odbody, AS2 (angel, second class), steps in to help George find a reason to live. The film touches on questions of angels (do they exist, who and what are they?), feelings of despair and suicidal thoughts, and God’s providence (how God works in our world). It ends with inspiration and hope and the Charles Wesley hymn, Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Pastor Ken touches on these and other subjects during his message on our first Sunday of Advent this year.

Sermon Reflections:

  • Reflect on George Bailey’s sacrificial choices in the movie. How does his selflessness mirror the biblical theme of carrying each other’s burdens, as mentioned in the sermon?
  • The sermon mentioned the idea that everyone’s life matters. How does this concept resonate with you personally? Can you recall instances where seemingly small actions had a significant impact on others or vice versa?
  • Consider the role of angels in the movie and their portrayal in popular culture versus their representation in biblical texts. How do these representations shape our understanding of divine intervention or assistance in our lives?
  • In what ways do you believe individuals can serve as angels or messengers for others in their everyday lives? Share instances where you may have experienced or been an instrument of encouragement, support, or care for someone else.
  • Reflect on the scene where George Bailey gets a glimpse of a world without his existence. How does this relate to the sermon’s message about the impact each person can have on others’ lives?
  • The sermon emphasizes the importance of trusting God in dark times and encourages being attentive to others’ needs. How can we practically apply these teachings in our lives, especially in supporting those going through challenging situations?