Laura Campbell   -  

Minister of Discipleship & Engagement Laura Campbell delivers her first message to St. Stephen. She asks us to ponder: What would we do with a chance to encounter God?

Sermon Reflections:

  • What emotions or thoughts arose in you as you listened to the story of Moses and his eventual encounter with the burning bush? Did any aspects of his story resonate with your own experiences or struggles?
  • Vulnerability is a key aspect of encountering God. Moses was asked to become more vulnerable when encountering God — taking of his sandals upon entering holy ground. What are the “sandals” in your life — symbols of protection or identity — that you might need to take off to experience a deeper connection with God?
  • Reflecting on the repeated protests and hesitations of Moses when faced with God’s calling, have you ever found yourself resisting or questioning a calling or purpose in your life? How did you overcome or handle that resistance?
  • The sermon emphasized the notion of discomfort leading to change. Can you recall a time when feeling uncomfortable or unsettled led you to a transformative change or a new perspective in your faith journey?
  • Consider the concept of faith and how it relates to vulnerability. How comfortable are you with embracing uncertainty or stepping into situations without a guarantee, solely relying on faith? Have you seen instances where such faith has brought about positive outcomes or growth in your life?
  • In the sermon, it was mentioned that God’s plan isn’t impressed by our resumes but is rooted in love and purpose. How does this perspective change or challenge your understanding of your role in God’s plan or the way you perceive your worthiness in serving God’s purpose?