Life Essentials: Loving God, Loving Others
Ken Curtis   -  

As we enter a time of annual renewal, we’re winding back our faith journey and turning toward the essentials. On this Sunday, we wrapped up this worship series exploring some of the foundational lessons and principles that support our journey as followers of Jesus. So far, we’ve explored the Golden RuleForgivenessServing OthersWorship, and the Means of Grace. This week, we explore the ultimate life essential: Loving God and Loving Others.

Sermon Reflections:

  1. Why do you believe in God? The reasons why people believe in God are wide and varied, including the beauty of creation, the witness of other people, and the impact faith has on lives. Reflect on your own reasons for believing in God.
  2. How do you experience the presence of God in your life? God shows up in our lives in myriad ways. How do you feel God’s presence and nudges in your own life?
  3. What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind? The commandment is central to our lives as Christians. What does it mean to you? How do you apply it in your daily life?
  4. How do you demonstrate love for your neighbor? Christ taught that loving God is like loving others. Reflect on your actions and intentions towards others, considering if they align with this principle.
  5. What role do life essentials like forgiveness, worship, and service play in your life? The sermon highlights these practices as crucial, but their personal application might vary. Think about how these aspects are present in your life and how they might be strengthened.
  6. How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with God? The sermon encourages intentionality in nurturing this connection. Reflect on your current practices and consider what new steps you could take to grow closer to God.