ONEness: Love One Another
Ken Curtis   -  

In this final installment of our “ONEness” series, we explore what it might take for us, as individuals, to remove the spiritual barriers that prevent us from loving one another and creating oneness in the church and the world. Be sure to revisit part one, where we explored unity in the church, and part two which explored unity in the midst of an increasingly divided and partisan world.

Sermon Resources

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi and phone wallpapers

Sermon Reflections

  • How are you challenged to move beyond words and feelings and into concrete actions that demonstrate love for your neighbor? What specific steps can you take to “love your neighbor as your self”?
  • What areas of your life might need a spiritual checkup? What “polyps” of resentment, bitterness, or unforgiveness need to be addressed and removed from your personal or spiritual life?
  • What specific actions can you take to ensure your church is a place of healing, unity, and compassion? What about in your larger community?
  • What strategies can you employ to overcome obstacles and cultivate a more compassionate heart?

Watch Sunday’s traditional worship livestream