ONEness: Politics
Ken Curtis   -  

Continuing our “ONEness” series, Senior Pastor Ken Curtis guides us through the concept of oneness. Last week, we explored unity in the church. This week, Pastor Ken turns to politics and how we can navigate our lives in an increasingly partisan and divided world. How do we keep our unity focused on our identity as followers of Christ, while extending love, fellowship, and community to our neighbors even when we disagree?

Sermon Reflections:

  • What does oneness in Christ mean to you, and how can it coexist with diversity in the church and broader society?
  • How has the current political climate affected your relationships with family, friends, or coworkers? Are these relationships strained or strengthened?
  • Reflect on Paul’s teaching, “As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” What steps can you take to foster peace in your interactions, especially with those who hold opposing views?
  • How do you balance staying informed about politics while avoiding being consumed by anger or disdain towards others? Have you found this difficult?
  • In what ways can you show love and respect for people with whom you disagree, especially in heated or divisive situations?
  • How do you think Jesus’ command to love one another can guide your actions, especially on social media or during political discussions?