The Power of: The Crowd
Ken Curtis   -  

Pastor Ken takes us into part two of our worship mini-series, “The Power of…” exploring the power of community, the crowd, and words. Catch part one of the series, “The Power of: Community.” This week, we explore The Crowd. There’s something that happens when we come together. The crowd can reenergize us. It offers support. It can initiate change. It can unite. There is power in the crowd.

Sermon Reflections:

  • There are positive and negative aspects to crowds. What examples from history or current events illustrate this duality?
  • Social media is a kind of “crowd.” How can social media be a force for good in connecting people and creating positive change? How can it be a negative force?
  • Reflect on the ways you have benefited positively from being part of a crowd or community. What about ways you experienced or participated in the negative repercussions of being part of the crowd? What lessons did you learn?
  • The Bible speaks to the importance of community. Why do you think gathering together is important for Christians and our faith journeys?
  • What ways can you be more involved in your community — your faith community, school community, neighborhood, or a larger community?

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