The Power of: Words
Ken Curtis   -  

Pastor Ken wraps up our worship mini-series, “The Power of…” exploring the power of community, the crowd, and words. Catch part one of the series, “The Power of: Community” and part two, “The Power of: The Crowd.” This week, we explore the power of words. We’ll start by digging into the meaning of the Third Commandment, commonly quoted as “Thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.” This commandment is about more than swearing. We’ll then look at the words we say to ourselves — the self-talk or old tapes that play in our heads. Finally, we’ll consider the power of God’s words to us, and why it is that John chose to call Jesus, “the Word.”

Sermon Reflections:

  • How can our words build up others or tear them down? How can we be more mindful of the words we choose, both for ourselves and for others?
  • What did you learn about taking the Lord’s name in vain? How can we use God’s name in a respectful and meaningful way? Beyond cursing, are there other ways we might misuse God’s name?
  • How can negative self-talk, and other “internal dialogue,” impact our lives? How can we challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations?
  • How can God’s word and scripture be a source of comfort and guidance? In what ways can we incorporate the Word of God into our daily lives?
  • How can we use our words to share God’s love with the people around us? Reach out to someone you know and express gratitude and love.