Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Common Table
Ken Curtis   -  

This Sunday, we continue our summer worship series with messages so good you’ll swear Pastor Ken really is the new Mr. Rogers. Taking cues from the pastor-turned-iconic-children’s-TV-show host, we’ll explore how our faith guides us in being good neighbors. I part one of the series, we asked, “Who is my neighbor?” In part two, we explored hospitality. Today, we explore one of our new ministries, Common Table, using it as an example how we can be good neighbors. The worship series is a perfect complement to this year’s summer study series. Join us!

Sermon Reflections:

  • How does the story of the sinful woman and the Pharisee challenge our understanding of hospitality and inclusion? In what ways can we create more inclusive spaces within our communities and churches?
  • How does the woman’s actions exemplify radical love and forgiveness? How can we apply this understanding of love to our relationships with others?
  • Sharing a common table can be a powerful place for transformation and community building. How can we foster deeper connections within our communities through shared meals and hospitality? How can we intentionally use the table as a tool for ministry and outreach?
  • How can we focus on hospitality and love in our faith? In what ways can we challenge societal norms and create more inclusive spaces for all?

Looking for the livestream of our traditional worship service? Click here.