Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Living Differently
Ken Curtis   -  

This Sunday, we wrap-up our summer worship series with messages so good you’ll swear Pastor Ken really is the new Mr. Rogers. Taking cues from the pastor-turned-iconic-children’s-TV-show host, we’ve explored how our faith guides us in being good neighbors. In part one of the series, we asked, “Who is my neighbor?” In part two, we explored hospitality. Last week, part three explored one of our new ministries, Common Table, using it as an example how we can be good neighbors. In this final installment, we explore the ways in which Mr. Rogers embodied our faith’s call to live differently, as good neighbors and friends bridging the divides in our communities.

Sermon Reflections:

  • How does the sermon challenge traditional notions of “neighbor” and encourage us to expand our understanding of who we are called to love?
  • What does it mean to be a hospitable Christian in today’s world? How can we intentionally create space in our lives for hospitality, as encouraged in the sermon?
  • The sermon emphasizes the importance of presence. How can we cultivate a more present and intentional approach to our relationships with others?
  • What specific steps can we take to live out the message of the sermon in our daily lives? How can we move from intention to action in becoming better neighbors?
  • The sermon highlights the importance of harmony and unity. How can we bridge divides within our communities and foster a greater sense of belonging?
  • How can we apply the lessons learned from Fred Rogers to our own lives and relationships? What does it mean to be a “good neighbor” in the spirit of Mr. Rogers? How does Mr. Rogers’s ideas of being a “good neighbor” intersect with our faith’s call and understanding of neighborliness?

View the livestream of Sunday’s traditional service.