Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Who is My Neighbor?
Ken Curtis   -  

This Sunday, we kick off our summer worship series with messages so good you’ll swear Pastor Ken really is the new Mr. Rogers. Taking cues from the pastor-turned-iconic-children’s-TV-show host, we’ll explore how our faith guides us in being good neighbors. We’ll explore questions like “Who is My Neighbor?” and what it means to be hospitable. The worship series is a perfect complement to this year’s summer study series.

Sermon Reflections:

  • What is the difference between being a neighbor and merely a person who lives nearby?
  • How did the sermon challenge your idea of who we consider our “neighbor”? Did the parable of the Good Samaritan bring up any interesting thoughts for you?
  • How can you embody the actions of the Samaritan in your own life?
  • How does the sermon challenge your understanding of love and compassion?
  • How can you reconcile the idea of loving your neighbor with the realities of conflict and difference?
  • What role does faith play in becoming a better neighbor?

Looking for the livestream of Sunday’s traditional worship? Click here.