Children’s Mini CROP Walk

November 12, 2023 10:30 - 11:30am  |  St. Stephen United Methodist Church

6800 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC, USA

The St. Stephen Children’s Ministry will host an on-campus mini CROP Walk for children during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, Nov. 12 (10:30-11:30am). We will walk because we want to faithfully serve God by responding to the needs of millions who are hungry. Lemonade and cookies will be served after the indoor walk in our gym, with kids collecting a sticker for every lap they make!

The CROP Walk is an annual fundraising event, held last month in Charlotte, which supports the global relief efforts of Church World Service and local hunger relief efforts through Crisis Assistance Ministry, Loaves & Fishes, and Second Harvest Food Bank. Click here for more information about this fundraising cause and last month’s event in Charlotte.

Children and their families can help raise money to support this cause! Sponsor sheets and collection envelopes are available at the narthex/lobby desk, from a Sunday School teacher, or by contacting Christina Nobili, interim children’s ministry director, at (Sponsor envelopes are due on the day of the walk.)