Summer Study Series: The Greatest Commandment

July 14 - August 11  |  St. Stephen UMC Gym/Fellowship Hall

6800 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC, USA

Join St. Stephen for our annual Summer Study Series, as we combine Sunday morning small groups to explore one big idea.

Every Sunday (excluding July 28), 10am, in the Gym/Fellowship Hall, immediately following traditional worship at 9am and immediately before ENCOUNTER, our modern service, at 11am.

This year, we’ll examine “The Greatest Commandment”: Loving God & Loving Your Neighbor. Adhering to and practicing the Greatest Commandment is an essential component of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. In a world riven by sharp divisions, practicing the Greatest Commandment can be a means to healing those divisions.

Over four sessions, we’ll explore:

  • July 14 — Loving God (Matthew 22:34-40)
  • July 21 — Testify to Love (Mark 12:28-34)
  • August 4 — Loving Your Neighbor (John 13:34)
  • August 11 — How to Love Your Neighbor (John 13:34)

All are welcome, including longtime members, new members, and guests!