Welcome to St. Stephen!
We can't wait to see you here at St. Stephen United Methodist Church.
St. Stephen is an authentic and humble community of followers of Jesus Christ. We are a serving, giving, and action-oriented family of believers, called to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ — in our neighborhood, in Charlotte, and in the world.
We believe in supporting each other and growing disciples, recognizing the dignity of all God's children. We serve our neighborhood and the larger Charlotte community.
There is room at the table and welcome for all at St. Stephen, no matter your season of life.
Lent at St. Stephen
Deepen your faith journey during Lent, starting March 5. This 40 day period (not counting Sundays) is a contemplative and prayerful time of preparation as we journey toward Easter. Explore our devotional series, studies, and worship opportunities.
Sundays at St. Stephen
Coffee Connections
8:30 & 10:30am
Connect with St. Stephen members and guests over coffee and donuts for pre-worship fellowship.
Worship at 9am in the sanctuary, with traditional hymns, choir, and liturgy.
Encounter God moving in new and fresh ways during our modern worship at 11am in the Youth Ministry Center.
Learn MoreSunday Small Groups
Sunday study and small groups for adults, children, and youth meet at 10am.
Church Online
Can't join us in person? Want to take us for test drive? Join us each Sunday at 9am for our traditional livestream. You can also check back every Monday for our weekly message, posted as an abbreviated video on our website and an Youtube, with audio on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. It's a perfect chance to learn more about who we are or incorporate weekly worship into a busy life. Watch live or tune in whenever your time allows throughout the week.
Explore Small Groups
Explore opportunities for connection after worship on Sundays.
Explore Missions
At St. Stephen, we live out an active faith, putting our hands, feet, and hearts to work for our neighborhood, Charlotte, and the world.
Still Curious?
Still curious? Have lingering questions? Not quite ready to jump back into a traditional church setting? Check out our new program, Common Table, a monthly dinner with other folks just like you. A safe, respectful, and inclusive space for healing and exploring our faith questions and journeys.
What To Expect
Our Traditional Worship service is a relaxed, traditional service, with prayers, congregational hymns, choir anthems, and preaching. Our worship services typically last about an hour. They often begin with a prelude on our organ or other music, then proceed into a time of welcome and prayer. The congregation will join in singing a hymn, with lyrics projected on to two screens in the sanctuary. Our pastor will deliver his weekly sermon, and our choir will often perform a choral selection. ENCOUNTER, our Modern Worship service, features modern and contemporary worship and praise songs, along with a less structured worship service consisting of a time for praise and prayer, followed by the weekly sermon.
Come as you are! Seriously! You’ll see folks in a variety of dress, from T-shirts and jeans all the way up to suits and ties. Our traditional service tends to be a bit more “dressy” than our modern service, but you’ll be welcomed no matter what you’re wearing. What’s more important to us is that you’re comfortable and that you’re here!
We offer Sunday small groups for children and youth of all ages. Middle and high school youth are welcome to attend Sunday morning small groups. We also have a vibrant and active youth group, which meets weekly on Sunday evenings, along with other regular activities, retreats, and missions trips throughout the year.
Our Traditional Worship service starts at 9am on Sundays. If you arrive by 8:30am, you’ll have time to park and make your way to the church lobby. There, you can meet with members and other guests while enjoying coffee and donuts. Similarly, our Modern Worship service begins at 11am; arriving by 10:30am will give you time to park and meet with members and guests over coffee in the Youth Ministry Center lobby.
Parking is readily available in our front parking lot immediately accessible from Sardis Road. A handful of guest and accessible parking spaces are available nearest the building. Enter the building through the doorways nearest the sanctuary. The sanctuary is the largest, tallest portion of our building with the three skinny stained glass windows on front. Additional parking is located in the rear of the building; you can access it via Lutomma Circle; parking on the side and rear may be more convenient if you are attending Modern Worship.
Members of the church are ready to welcome you each and every Sunday morning. Say hello to one of our greeters. They’ll be wearing a red greeter tag. They can show you around the church lobby, help you get some coffee and donuts, and answer any questions you have, including making introductions to others. One of our greeters or welcome team members would be more than happy to talk about small groups with you and get you connected to a great group of people!
You don’t have to wait until a Sunday morning to check us out! Any of our church staff would be happy to meet with you during the week, give you a tour of our campus, and answer any questions you have. If you’d like to schedule a time to visit the church, email us at info@ststephenumc.net — or just drop by! Our current office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Be sure to check our calendar of events for programs and activities throughout the week. You are always welcome.
Learn about St. Stephen
Dig into our history, mission, vision, and more