BE Series: Be Humble
Ken Curtis   -  

Over 2,700 years ago, the prophet Micah asked what God requires of us. His answer was surprisingly simple: Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. We continue our new worship series exploring our focus text: Micah 6:8. Last week, we explored kindness and the week before that, we explored justice. This week, we dig into what it means to β€œwalk humbly with God.”

Sermon Reflections:

  • The sermon emphasized the connection between humility and serving others, citing Jesus washing the disciples’ feet as an example. How can you incorporate acts of service into your daily life to cultivate humility?
  • The concept of the competitive reflex was discussed in the sermon. Can you identify instances in your life where a “competitive reflex” influenced your thoughts, attitudes, or actions? How might recognizing and challenging this reflex contribute to a more humble mindset?
  • Pastor Ken shared the story Ruby, an 11-year-old girl granting wishes to nursing home residents, highlighting the impact of simple acts of kindness. How can you initiate small, meaningful gestures to bring joy and comfort to those around you, particularly the elderly or vulnerable?
  • Humility is a cycle. When you engage in acts of humility, you can be led to become even more humble. Reflect on your experiences of practicing humility. In what ways have these experiences shaped your character and interactions with others?
  • There is a connection between humility and recognizing that “God is God, and we are not.” How can you incorporate a sense of reverence and acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty into your daily life to foster a humble attitude?

Sermon Series Resources:

Last week, we explored Micah’s second call β€” to be kind β€” and offered up an ongoing resource for practicing justice, kindness, and humility. Click here to learn more and download the October 31 Days of Kindness calendar, with 31 day-to-day suggestions for putting kindness into daily practice.