St. Stephen's 31 Days of Kindness

This October, put Micah's call to 'be kind' into action

Be Kind

The prophet Micah told us there are three ways to please and serve God: To be just, be kind, and be humble. This October, put Micah's second call into practice each day of your life. Use our 31 Days of Kindness as your guide, and don't forget upcoming serving and giving opportunities in the life of St. Stephen!

Kindness Calendar

Download this PDF of our 31 Days of Kindness, print it out, and put it on your refrigerator, in your office, or some other place you will see it every day.

Serving and Giving Opportunities

Several times in October, you'll have the opportunity to serve or give back right here in the life of St. Stephen.

Oct. 7 — St. Stephen Missions Day
Choose from one of five opportunities to serve and give back to your community during Missions Day. Activities for people of all ages and skills. Learn more and sign up at

Oct. 9 — Men’s Shelter Ministry
Prepare servings of cowboy stew and bring them to the church on Monday, October 9. Have extra time? Help serve the meal at the Men’s Shelter. Be on the lookout for details in the Sept. 28 weekly email bulletin or contact Pam Theesfield at

Oct. 14 — Lansdowne Elementary Clothes Drive
Sort through your closets for extra clothes or buy brand new underwear and socks (for elementary school-age kids). Bring them to church with you on Sunday, October 15, and donate the middle/high youth class’s clothing drive for Lansdowne Elementary School. Collection box is located in the church lobby.

Oct. 15 — Investing for Life
October 15 begins “Investing for Life,” a new worship series and stewardship campaign. Bring some extra cash, even if it’s just a single dollar bill, place it in the offering plate, and take time to prayerfully and intentionally consider the ways you can be a good steward in/for your home and family, your work, your community, and for St. Stephen.

Oct. 19 — Sandwich Ministry
Make some sandwiches and bring them by the church between 10-11am on Thursday, October 19 for donation to Roof Above. Sandwiches should be on white bread with PB&J or simple deli meats like chicken, turkey, or roast beef, and cheese. Do not apply condiments or vegetables. Sandwiches do not need to be individually wrapped, but should be put in a large plastic bag. Questions? Contact Todd Mitchell at

Oct. 22 — Little Free Food Pantry
Bring some nonperishable food items to place in the St. Stephen Little Free Food Pantry. Collection box is located in the church lobby.

Oct. 25 — Halloween Carnival
Help out at the Halloween Carnival and Hotdog Supper. You can staff games or other activities, help with set-up or clean-up, and other needs. Be on the lookout in upcoming weekly email bulletins for details and contact Christina Nobili at

Stay in the Know

Get the latest news or sign up for our weekly email bulletin so you don't miss important ways to get involved in any of the serving or giving opportunities listed above!