BE Series: A Different Way of Being
Ken Curtis   -  

Over 2,700 years ago, the prophet Micah asked what God requires of us. His answer was surprisingly simple: Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. We continue our new worship series exploring our focus text: Micah 6:8. Last week, we explored humility, and how practicing humility creates a cycle or feedback loop which continuously builds our practice of justice, kindness and humility. This week, we wrap our series putting Micah’s call into greater context, using Christ’s example of loving God and loving our neighbor.

Sermon Reflections:

  • Reflect on a recent situation where you had to make a judgment about someone. Did you lean towards assuming the best or the worst about them? How might embracing the concept of justice, as defined in Micah 6:8, change the way you approach such situations?
  • Consider a person in your life with whom you disagree or find challenging. How could you express kindness towards them, even if your views differ? What might be the impact of intentionally showing compassion in difficult relationships?
  • Reflect on a recent interaction where humility played a role, either positively or negatively. How did humility (or its absence) affect the dynamics of that interaction? In what ways can you practice humility in your relationships?
  • Reflect on your social circles. Are they diverse in thought and perspective, or do you find yourself mostly interacting with people who share your opinions? How might intentionally diversifying your social circles contribute to a more inclusive understanding of loving your neighbor?
  • Recall a specific situation where negative feelings influenced your thoughts or actions. How might relying on God’s guidance, as mentioned in Philippians 2:13, help you overcome such negativity and approach relationships with a more loving and open heart?

Sermon Series Resources:

We have offered up ongoing resource for practicing justice, kindness, and humility throughout the month of October. Click here to learn more and download the October 31 Days of Kindness calendar, with 31 day-to-day suggestions for putting kindness into daily practice.